Frequently asked questions

from customers: If you have a question that is not listed here, you can contact us via WhatsApp or email

You can contact us via WhatsApp or email and request a modification to the order 24 hours before the date of the first order

You can modify the shipping location from the Checkout page, or you can contact us via WhatsApp or email

If you order early during work, you can get it on the same day, but otherwise, you can get it the next day immediately

Payment via Visa card and bank account All that matters to us is your trust and comfort. We have flexible dealings with the customer. You can communicate on WhatsApp and get your inquiry.

You can pay upon receipt of the order. There is no problem. All you have to do is confirm the order and we will contact you immediately

We have a Visa Card payment method. You can select the option for discounts in shipping if you have chosen the product from the discounts page, or you can select payment upon receipt, or you can reserve the product inside the nearest branch of the Golden Kingdom and go and get it.

You can return the product after receiving it for a maximum of 7 days without opening or using the product

You can return the product if it does not work. We have a one-year warranty on all of our products

You cannot return the product after using it unless it is defective. We can take it from you and replace it from the manufacturer only

Still have a question?

Please contact us for more information.

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    Almamlakah Alzahabia